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Dictionary French English: [also ]

Translation 1 - 50 of 1891  >>


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aussi {adv}too [also]
valétudinaire {adj}ailing [also fig.]
ethn. géogr. slovène {adj}Slovenian [also: Slovene]
acerbe {adj}sour [also fig.]
spartiate {adj}Spartanic [also: spartanic]
valétudinaire {adj}unhealthy [also fig.]
relig. babisme {m}Babism [also: Bábism]
balkanisation {f}Balkanization [also: balkanization]
optique jumelles {f.pl}binocular [also: binoculars]
amertume {f}bitterness [also fig.]
relig. brahmanisme {m}Brahmanism [also: Brahminism]
sport tournoi {m}championship [also: championships]
rêveur {m}dreamer [also fig.]
arts fauvisme {m}fauvism [also: Fauvism]
amertume {f}gall [also fig.]
griserie {f}intoxication [also fig.]
agr. chim. néonicotinoïde {m}neonicotinoid [also: neonics]
cuis. ichtyo. tétraodon {m}pufferfish [also: puffer]
ethn. hist. Scythes {m.pl}Scythians [also: Scyths]
mer {f}sea [also fig.]
relig. sikhisme {m}Sikhism [also: Sikhi ]
ling. sci. sinologie {f}sinology [also: Sinology]
arts vorticisme {m}vorticism [also: Vorticism]
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progressif {adj}progressive [advancing, also grammar]
fulgurant {adj} [douleur]stinging [also pain]
pharm. antivenin {m}antivenene [also: antivenin, antivenom]
équi. barbe {m} [cheval]barb [also: berber]
armes boulet {m}cannonball [also: cannon-ball]
géogr. hist. Cochinchine {f}Cochinchina [also: Cochin-China]
occup. présentateur {m}compere [Br.] [also: compère]
comm. Scop {f}cooperative [also: co-operative]
géogr. hist. Tchécoslovaquie {f}Czechoslovakia [also: Czecho-Slovakia]
math. dodécagone {m}dodecagon [also: 12-gon]
pol. relig. dominionisme {m}dominionism [also: dominion theology]
hist. naut. galiote {f}galiot [also: galliot, galiote]
électr. outil. aspirateur {m}hoover [Br.]® [also: Hoover]
pol. libérale {f}liberal [female] [also: Liberal]
philos. relig. pandéisme {m}pandeism [also: pan-deism]
zool. chaoui {m} [louis.]raccoon [also: racoon]
ethn. géogr. ling. slovène {m} [langue]Slovenian [also: Slovene]
cuis. taboulé {m}tabbouleh [also: tabouleh, tabouli]
hist. Toutânkhamon {m}Tutankhamun [also: Tutankhamon, Tutankhamen]
surabondant {adj}over-abundant [also: overabundant]
édulcoré {adj} {past-p}watered-down [also fig.]
relig. alévisme {m}(Anatolian) Alevism [also: Qizilbashism]
meub. transat {m}beach chair [also: beachchair]
myth. Empyrée {m}Empyrean (Heaven) [also: Empyreal]
astron. hist. philos. géocentrisme {m}geocentric model [also: geocentrism]
trafic fondrière {f}pot hole [also: pothole]
géogr. Tatras {m.pl}Tatra Mountains [also: Tatras]
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