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French-English translation for: [hum.]
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Dictionary French English: [hum]

Translation 1 - 50 of 152  >>


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casanier {adj}domesticated [hum.] [of a man: fond of home life and housework]
irrécupérable {adj} [fam.] [hum.] [personne]beyond redemption [hum.]
irrécupérable {adj} [fam.] [hum.] [personne]past redemption [hum.]
maboul {adj} [fam.] [fou]cuckoo [coll.] [hum.]
méchant {adj}dastardly [dated] [hum.]
anat. plantureux {adj} [femme]well-endowed [coll.] [hum.]
souffrant {adj}indisposed [hum.]
défenestrer qn. [aussi fig.]to defenestrate sb. [formal or hum.] [also fig.]
dr. détrousser qn. [vieux ou hum.]to rob sb.
éructerto repeat oneself [coll.] [hum.] [belch]
subodorer qc. [hum.]to anticipate sth.
subodorer qc. [hum.]to augur sth.
subtiliser qc. [dérober]to nick sth. [Br.] [coll.] [also hum.] [to steal sth.]
trucider qn. [hum.]to bump sb. off [coll.] [idiom]
trucider qn. [hum.]to do sb. in [coll.] [to kill]
cuis. breuvage {m} [hum.] [littéraire]
cuis. apéritif {m}preprandial drink [hum.] [aperitif]
baiseur {m} [fam.] [vulg.]fornicator [formal or hum.]
baiseuse {f} [fam.] [vulg.]fornicator [formal or hum.] [female]
bedaine {f} [fam.]brewer's goitre [Br.] [coll.] [hum.]
optique bésicles {m.pl} [arch., hum.]barnacles {pl} [Br. dial.] [spectacles]
optique bésicles {m.pl} [arch., hum.]eyeglasses {pl} [one pair] [esp. Am.]
optique bésicles {m.pl} [arch., hum.]glasses {pl} [one pair]
optique bésicles {m.pl} [arch., hum.]goggles {pl} [coll.] [one pair of glasses]
optique bésicles {m.pl} [arch., hum.]specs {pl} [coll.] [one pair of spectacles]
optique bésicles {m.pl} [arch., hum.]spectacles {pl} [one pair] [esp. Br.]
optique bésicles {m.pl} [arch., hum.]pair of glasses
optique bésicles {m.pl} [arch., hum.]pair of spectacles
sport boxe {f}pugilism [dated or hum.]
brioche {f} [fig.] [hum.] [fam.]paunch [coll.]
brioche {f} [fig.] [hum.] [fam.]potbelly [coll.]
brioche {f} [fig.] [hum.] [fam.]beer gut [coll.]
colère {f}wrath [literary or hum.]
occup. théâtre comédienne {f}thespian [formal or hum.] [actress]
courroux {m}wrath [literary or hum.]
anat. crâne {m} [fam.] [tête]pate [hum.] [else archaic] [head]
damoiselle {f} [vieux] [demoiselle]damsel [literary] [archaic] [hum.]
dulcinée {f} [fam.] [hum.]beloved [female]
entourloupettes {f.pl} [fam.] [hum.]hanky-panky [dubious behaviour / behavior]
fin. escarcelle {f} [hum.]money pouch
factotum {m}chief cook and bottlewasher [coll.] [hum.]
friponneries {f.pl} [fam.] [hum.]hanky-panky [dishonest behaviour / behavior]
galipettes {f.pl} [fam.] [hum.]hanky-panky [sexual]
géniteur {m} [hum.]parent
génitrice {f} [hum.]parent [female]
habitant {m}denizen [formal or hum.]
occup. huissier {m} [archaïque] [hum.] [portier]porter [Br.] [doorkeeper]
jouvenceau {m} [vieux ou ironique]whippersnapper [dated or hum.]
ling. langage {m}lingo [pej. or hum.] [language]
mâle {m} [fam.] [hum.]he-man [coll.] [hum.]
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