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French-English translation for: [loc.]
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Dictionary French English: [loc]

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d'ailleurs {adv} [loc.]  propos]by the way [idiom]
délayer qc. [loc.] [expliquer longuement]to pad sth. out [idiom]
délayer qc. [loc.] [expliquer longuement]to spin sth. out [idiom]
sonner qn. [fam.] [loc.] [assommer, ébranler]to knock sb. for six [coll.] [idiom] [stun]
internet troller qn. [loc.]to troll sb. [coll.]
abrutie {f} [fam.] [loc.]moron [coll.] [pej.] [female]
2 Words: Others
Accouche ! [loc.]Spit it out! [idiom] [say something!]
au pif {adv} [fam.] [loc.]off the top of your head [coll.] [idiom]
C'est cuit. [fam.] [loc.]It's over and done with. [idiom]
C'est réglé. [loc.]The issue is over. [idiom]
C'est réglé. [loc.]That's over and done with. [coll.] [idiom]
Ça va ? [loc.](')Sup? [sl.] [idiom] [What's up?]
dans l'ensemble {adv} [loc.]by and large [idiom]
de loin {adv} [loc.](by) far and away [idiom]
Dis toujours. [parle] [loc.]Go on. [speak] [idiom]
en abondance {adv} [loc.]in abundance
en abondance {adv} [loc.]enough and to spare [idiom]
en définitive {adv} [loc.]at the end of the day [idiom]
en fanfare {adv} [loc.]spectacularly
en fanfare {adv} [loc.]in a fanfare of publicity [idiom]
en fanfare {adv} [loc.]with a fanfare of publicity [idiom]
en fanfare {adv} [loc.]with drums beating and trumpets [idiom] [spectacularly]
en gros {adv} [loc.]by and large [idiom]
en homme {adv} [loc.]like a man [idiom]
en lice {adv} [loc.]in the running [idiom]
en résumé {adv} [loc.]in short [idiom]
en sus {adj} {adv} [loc.]extra
en sus {adv} [loc.]in addition
entre quat'z'yeux {adv} [fam.] [loc.] [confidentiellement]confidentially
entre quat'z'yeux {adv} [fam.] [loc.] [confidentiellement]in confidence
entre quat'z'yeux {adv} [fam.] [loc.] [confidentiellement]between you and me and the gatepost [coll.] [idiom]
Fonce ! [loc.]Knock yourself out! [sl.] [idiom]
Noblesse oblige. [loc.]Noblesse oblige. [idiom]
nombre de {pron} [loc.] [beaucoup de]a number of [idiom] [many]
paraît-il {adv} [loc.]so it seems [idiom]
Pitié ! [fam.] [loc.] [ça suffit]For pity's sake! [idiom]
que de {adv} [loc.]so much
que de {adv} [loc.]such a
que de {adv} [loc.]too much
que de {adv} [loc.]such a lot of
Que diable ... ? [loc.]What on earth ...? [idiom]
Que diable ... ? [loc.]What the hell ... ? [idiom]
sans contredit {adv} [loc.]incontestably
sans contredit {adv} [loc.]undisputedly
sans contredit {adv} [loc.]undoubtedly
sans contredit {adv} [loc.]unquestionably
sans contredit {adv} [loc.]without contest [idiom]
sans contredit {adv} [loc.]without dispute [idiom]
sans contredit {adv} [loc.]without question [idiom]
sans contredit {adv} [loc.]without a doubt [idiom]
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