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Dictionary French English: [of]

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droit {adj}
right [opposite of left]
gai {adj}
happy [of a person]
depuis {prep}
for [period of time in the past]
jaloux {adj} [de]
jealous [of]
sur {prep}
over [also: position of superiority]
breton {adj}
Breton [of / from Brittany]
sage {adj}
good [of children]
resserré {adj}
narrow [of a street etc.]
éduc. Plus est en vous.[A motto used by a number of colleges, including Gordonstoun School (Scotland), roughly translated as 'There is more in you'.]
ethn. beur {adj}[born in France of North African immigrant parents]
madeleine {f} de Proust. [loc.][expression used to describe smells, tastes, sounds or any sensations reminding you of your childhood]
arch. dr. géogr. Le 36 [fam.] [36, quai des Orfèvres, Paris][Headquarter of Paris Criminal Police 1913-2017]
trappiste {adj} [relatif à la ville de Trappes][of / from / in the town of Trappes]
francilien {adj}[of / from the Île-de-France region]
sport Allez les Bleus ![shout of encouragement for the French national team]
éduc. scolaire {adj}academic [of school]
éduc. universitaire {adj}academic [of university]
d'un côté à l'autre de {prep}across [from one side to the other of]
de l'autre côté de {prep}across [opposite side of]
nasillard {adj} [voix]adenoidal [of the voice, sound nasally]
depuis toujours {adv}always [throughout a long period of the past]
tout {adj}any [in whatever quantity, all of it]
isolément {adv}apart [isolated, not part of a group]
bible relig. apocryphe {adj}apocryphal [of, or pertaining to, the Apocrypha. Of doubtful authenticity]
hist. philos. relig. apollinien {adj}Apollonian [of or relating to Apollo or his cult]
méd. apoplectique {adj}apoplectic [of a stroke]
aux alentours de {prep}around [in the area of]
de l'ordre de qc. {adv}around sth. [of the order of]
anat. méd. articulaire {adj}articular [of the joints]
évocateur {adj} [film, musique]atmospheric [full of atmosphere]
chasse aux abois [de chiens de chasse]baying [of hunting dogs]
méchant {adj} [personne]beastly [fig.] [of a person, horrid, nasty]
en aval de {prep}below [downstream of]
en aval de {prep}beneath [below, downstream of]
onom. [diminutif de Robert]Bob [diminutive of Robert]
chahuteur {adj}boisterous [of a pupil, student]
vif {adj}bold [of colours]
gratuitement {adv}buckshee [Br.] [coll.] [free of charge]
trafic passant {adj}busy [with lots of traffic]
méd. chancreux {adj}cankerous [of an ulcer, sore]
[personne métisse de race noire et chinoise]chigro [pej.] [person of mixed black and Chinese race]
géogr. cismontane {adj}cismontane [situated on the nearer side of any mountains]
ling. propositionnel {adj}clausal [of a part of a sentence]
occup. du bureau {adj}clerical [of office work]
relig. clérical {adj} [du clergé]clerical [of the clergy]
rugueux {adj}coarse [of a surface etc.]
comtal {adj}comital [of or relating to a count]
gratis {adj} [fam.]complimentary [free of charge]
gratuitement {adv}complimentary [free of charge]
à l'œil {adv} [fam.]complimentary [free of charge]
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