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French-English translation for: [tree]
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Dictionary French English: [tree]

Translation 1 - 36 of 36

haut {adj} [bâtiment, herbe, arbre]
tall [building, grass, tree]
bot. écorcer qc. [arbre]to bark sth. [tree]
orn. effleurer qc. [frôler - cime, eau]to graze sth. [tree-tops, water surface]
abattre qc. [arbre]to log sth. [tree]
sylv. élaguer qc. [arbre] [aussi fig.]to prune sth. [tree] [also fig.]
bot. inciser qc. [arbre]to tap sth. [tree]
hort. tailler qc. [arbre, plante]to trim sth. [tree, plant]
sylv. bois {m}
wood [tree fibre, small forest]
bot. T
chêne {m}
bot. géogr. cime {f} [d'un arbre, montagne]
top [of tree, mountain]
bot. T
boule {f} de Noëlbauble [esp. Br.] [Christmas tree ball]
bot. T
acajou {m}
fourche {f} [d'un arbre] [d'un pantalon]crotch [of a tree] [of a pair of trousers]
bot. dent. monnaie couronne {f} [numismatique, dentisterie, cimier, d'une plante]crown [currency, dentistry, top of tree, plant between root and stem]
circonférence {f} [d'un arbre]girth [tree: circumference]
bot. aubépine {f} [genre Crataegus]haw [hawthorn tree]
bot. T
bot. T
géogr. pol. Maine {m} [État des États-Unis situé à l'extrême nord-est du pays]Maine <ME> [Pine Tree State]
hort. pépinière {f}nursery [tree nursery]
bot. hort. arbre {m} écimépollard [tree shorn of branches]
bot. sylv. têtard {m} [arbre]pollard [tree]
bot. haute tige {f}standard [of a tree]
bot. arbre {m} de haute tigestandard [tree]
bot. T
anat. bot. tronc {m} [partie du corps, arbre]trunk [torso, tree]
sylv. abattage {m} d'un arbrewoodcutting [tree felling]
2 Words: Verbs
bot. hort. être implanté [arbre]to be established [e.g. a tree]
bot. se dénuder [se dégarnir - arbre]to become bare [tree]
faire ployer [branche]to bend down [tree branch]
2 Words: Nouns
bot. sylv. surface {f} terrièrebasal area [of a tree]
Taxa/Species (Animals, Plants, Fungi)
bot. T
bot. T
bot. T
bot. T
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