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Dictionary French English: Memory

Translation 1 - 74 of 74

NOUN   a memory | memories
SYNO   computer memory | computer storage ... 
mémoire {f}
souvenir {m}memory
2 Words: Others
de mémoire {adv}from memory
2 Words: Verbs
vénérer la mémoire de qn.to venerate sb.'s memory
2 Words: Nouns
inform. mémoire {f} de massebulk memory
inform. antémémoire {f}cache memory
mémoire {f} collectivecollective memory
inform. mémoire {f} flashflash memory
fantôme {m} [souvenir obsédant]haunting memory
inform. mémoire {f} centraleinternal memory
inform. mémoire {f} viveinternal memory
inform. mémoire {f} centralemain memory
inform. mémoire {f} vivemain memory
inform. capacité {f} de mémoirememory capacity
inform. carte {f} mémoirememory card
électr. inform. tech. puce {f} mémoirememory chip
inform. puce {f} à mémoirememory chip
inform. extension {f} de mémoirememory expansion
psych. blanc {m} de mémoire [can.]memory lapse
perte {f} de mémoirememory loss
inform. gestion {f} de mémoirememory management
psych. capacité {f} de rétentionmemory retention
inform. capacité {f} de mémoirememory size
inform. clé {f} USBmemory stick [flash drive]
psych. éducation {f} de la mémoirememory training
inform. mémoire {f} centraleworking memory
inform. mémoire {f} viveworking memory
3 Words: Others
de mémoire d'homme {adv}in living memory
depuis des temps immémoriaux {adv}in living memory
de mémoire d'homme {adv}in recent memory
depuis des temps immémoriaux {adv}within living memory
de mémoire d'homme {adv} [loc.]within living memory [idiom] [within or during a time that is remembered by people still alive]
3 Words: Verbs
s'effacer du souvenir de qn.to fade from sb.'s memory
rafraîchir la mémoire à qn. [fam.] [loc.]to jog sb.'s memory [idiom]
rafraîchir la mémoire de qn. [fam.] [loc.]to jog sb.'s memory [idiom]
maintenir le souvenir de qn. en vieto keep sb.'s memory alive
perdre la mémoireto lose one's memory
rafraîchir la mémoire à qn. [fam.] [loc.]to refresh sb.'s memory
rafraîchir la mémoire de qn. [loc.]to refresh sb.'s memory
interroger sa mémoireto search one's memory
3 Words: Nouns
psych. syndrome {m} du faux souvenirfalse memory syndrome
inform. tech. carte {f} de mémoire flashflash memory card
psych. défaillance {f} [intellectuelle]lapse of memory
oubli {m} [trou de mémoire]lapse of memory
psych. blanc {m} de mémoire [can.]lapse of memory
méd. trou {m} de mémoirelapse of memory
mémoire {f} à long termelong term memory
inform. application {f} vorace en mémoirememory-intensive application
mémorisation {f} [faculté de retenir]powers {pl} of memory
inform. mémoire {f} morteread-only memory <ROM>
psych. syndrome {m} des souvenirs retrouvésrecovered memory syndrome
mémoire {f} à court termeshort term memory
4 Words: Verbs
inform. entrer qc. en mémoireto enter sth. into the memory
gommer qn./qc. de sa mémoireto erase sb./sth. from one's memory
rappeler le souvenir de qn.to evoke the memory of sb.
ne pas avoir de mémoireto have a bad memory
avoir bonne mémoireto have a good memory
être rancunierto have a long memory
avoir un trou de mémoire [loc.]to have a memory lapse [idiom]
avoir une excellente mémoireto have an excellent memory
4 Words: Nouns
psych. blanc {m} de mémoire [can.]gap in one's memory
5+ Words: Others
Si je me souviens bien.If my memory serves me right.
5+ Words: Verbs
être doué d'une bonne mémoireto be endowed with a good memory
être imprégné d'un souvenirto be filled with a memory
être obsédé par un souvenirto be haunted by a memory
avoir la mémoire des datesto have a (good) memory for dates
être physionomisteto have a good memory for faces
avoir une bonne mémoire des nomsto have a good memory for names
psych. avoir une défaillance [perdre la mémoire]to have a lapse of memory
se pencher sur ses souvenirsto take a trip down memory lane
5+ Words: Nouns
inform. cédérom {m}Compact Disk - Read Only Memory <CD-ROM>
souvenir {m} du passage de qn.memory of (the presence of) sb.
écon. sci. prix {m} de la Banque de Suède en sciences économiques en mémoire d'Alfred Nobel [aussi : prix Nobel d'économie]Sveriges Riksbank Prize in Economic Sciences in Memory of Alfred Nobel [also: Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences]
Fiction (Literature and Film)
littérat. F Mémoire d'éléphant [António Lobo Antunes]Elephant's Memory
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