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French-English translation for: born
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Dictionary French English: born

Translation 1 - 32 of 32

ADJ   born | - | -
VERB  to bear | bore | born/borne ... 
SYNO   Born | Max Born | born | innate ... 
{adj} {past-p}
2 Words: Others
relig. nouvellement converti {adj} {past-p}born-again
sociol. d'origine modeste {adj}humbly born
qn. naîtsb. is born
qn. naquitsb. was born
de souche {adj}true-born
2 Words: Verbs
naîtreto be born
voir le jour [personne] [loc.]to be born
2 Words: Nouns
tocard {m} [fam.] [personne](born) loser
tocarde {f} [fam.] [personne](born) loser [female]
3 Words: Verbs
être de condition élevéeto be high-born
3 Words: Nouns
littérat. occup. écrivain {m} natif de l'AngleterreEnglish-born author
nourrisson {m} [nouveau-né]new-born baby
4 Words: Verbs
mentir comme un arracheur de dentsto be a born liar
être un optimiste to be a born optimist
éduc. être professeur à l'origineto be a born teacher
avoir un tempérament de gagneurto be a born winner
5+ Words: Others
citation Tous les êtres humains naissent libres et égaux en dignité et en droits. [Déclaration universelle des droits de l'homme : Article premier]All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. [Universal Declaration of Human Rights: Article 1]
le six février {adj}born on the 6th February
à terme {adj} {past-p}born on the expected date
bien avant ta naissance {adv}long before you were born
bien avant ta naissance {adv}well before you were born
5+ Words: Verbs
méd. être par césarienneto be born by Caesarean section [Br.]
méd. être par césarienneto be born by Cesarean section [Am.]
être natif du 29 févrierto be born on the 29th February
être sous le signe du Cancerto be born under (the sign of) Cancer
naître coiffé [loc.]to be born with a silver spoon in one's mouth [idiom]
être coiffé [loc.]to be born with a silver spoon in one's mouth [idiom]
naître dans la soie [loc.]to be born with a silver spoon in one's mouth [idiom]
être français de souche [loc.]to be French born and bred [idiom]
retourner dans son village natalto return to the village where one was born
Fiction (Literature and Film)
film F un 4 juilletBorn on the Fourth of July [Oliver Stone (1989)]
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