| French | English  |  |
– | |
 | eu {past-p} | 4 had |  |
 | qn./qc. avait | 3 sb./sth. had |  |
2 Words: Others |
 | agr. zool. qc. avait pu | sth. had grazed [cattle, sheep etc.] |  |
2 Words: Verbs |
 | se faire avoir [fam.] [loc.] | to be had [coll.] |  |
 | se faire niquer [fam.] [tromper] | to be had [coll.] [tricked, deceived] |  |
 | être fait marron [fam.] [loc.] [être eu ou escroqué] | to be had [sl.] [idiom] |  |
3 Words: Others |
 | La barbe ! [fam.] | I've had enough! |  |
 | J'en ai marre ! [fam.] [loc.] | I've had enough! [coll.] [idiom] |  |
 | Les carottes sont cuites. [loc.] | I've had it. [idiom] [All is lost.] |  |
 | qn. ferait mieux de faire qc. [loc.] | sb. had better do sth. [idiom] |  |
 | qn. venait de faire qc. | sb. had just done sth. |  |
 | qn. dut faire qc. [littéraire] | sb. had to do sth. [on a single occasion] |  |
 | qn. devait faire qc. | sb. had to do sth. [regularly, recurringly] |  |
 | qn./qc. a / avait été | sb./sth. has / had been |  |
3 Words: Verbs |
 | se faire posséder par qn. [loc.] | to be had by sb. [idiom] |  |
 | en avoir plein le dos [fam.] | to have had enough [coll.] |  |
3 Words: Nouns |
 | audio occup. TechMéd. audioprothésiste {m} | hearing aid dispenser <HAD> [Am.] [Can.] |  |
 | audio occup. TechMéd. audioprothésiste {f} | hearing aid dispenser <HAD> [Am.] [Can.] [female] |  |
4 Words: Others |
 | avant qu'ils fussent partis | before they had left |  |
 | Ça devait arriver. | It had to happen. |  |
 | Nul ne l'avait vu. | Nobody had seen him. |  |
 | qn. a dû faire qc. | sb. (has) had to do sth. [on a single occasion] |  |
 | qn. avait dû faire qc. | sb. had had to do sth. |  |
4 Words: Verbs |
 | être pompette [fam.] | to have had a skinful [Br.] [coll.] [idiom] [be drunk] |  |
 | tenir une bonne cuite [fam.] [loc.] | to have had a skinful [Br.] [coll.] [idiom] [be drunk] |  |
 | tenir une sacrée cuite [fam.] [loc.] | to have had a skinful [Br.] [coll.] [idiom] [be drunk] |  |
 | avoir un coup dans l'aile [fam.] [loc.] | to have had a skinful [Br.] [coll.] [idiom] [be drunk] |  |
 | avoir vécu [objet, idée] | to have had its day [idiom] [hum.] |  |
5+ Words: Others |
 | Après s'être baignée, elle est partie. [dans une baignoire] | After having (had) a bath, she left. [Br.] |  |
 | après qu'ils se furent éloignés | after they had moved away |  |
 | A-t-elle eu une réponse ? | Has she had a reply? |  |
 | Il aurait dû avoir fait beaucoup de recherches. | He would have had to have done a lot of research. |  |
 | Je me suis battu(e) avec lui. | I (have) had a fight with him. |  |
 | J'avais beaucoup investi dans notre amitié. | I had put a lot into our friendship. |  |
 | Ça me gave ! [fam.] | I've had enough (of it)! |  |
 | Non merci, j'en ai eu assez. | I've had enough, thank you. |  |
 | Ça me sort par les yeux. [fam.] [loc.] | I've had it up to here. [coll.] [idiom] |  |
 | J'en ai jusque là. [loc.] | I've had it up to here. [idiom] |  |
 | Luc a un faible pour les blondes. [loc.] | Luke had a soft spot for blonds. [idiom] |  |
 | Personne ne savait ce qu'elle était devenue. | Nobody knew what had become of her. |  |
 | qn. a / avait pu | sb. has / had been able to |  |
 | qn. aura dû faire qc. | sb. will have had to do sth. |  |
 | qn. aurait dû faire qc. | sb. would have had to do sth. [regularly or on a single occasion] |  |
 | Elle m'avait devancé de deux jours. | She had arrived two days before me. |  |
 | Cela ne le regardait pas. [loc.] | That had nothing to do with him. [idiom] |  |
 | Les problèmes qu'il a eus ont été vite oubliés. | The problems that he had were quickly forgotten. |  |
 | Les spectateurs avaient fait la queue pour avoir des billets. | The spectators had queued for tickets. |  |
 | Ils ont eu chaud. [loc.] | They had a narrow escape. [idiom] |  |
 | mil. Leurs victoires se comptent par douzaines. | They have had dozens of victories. |  |
 | Cette fois, la coupe est pleine ! [loc.] | This time, I've had enough! [idiom] |  |
 | en avoir assez de qc. | to have had enough of sth. |  |
 | éduc. Quelle est votre formation ? | What education and training have you had? |  |
 | Te voilà tondu ! [loc.] | You've had a fourpenny all-off! [sl.] [idiom] |  |
5+ Words: Verbs |
 | se faire avoir jusqu'au trognon [loc.] | to be well and truly had [idiom] |  |
 | revenir de loin [loc.] | to have had a close shave [idiom] |  |
 | avoir un coup dans le nez [loc.] | to have had a drop too much [idiom] |  |
 | avoir frôlé la mort [loc.] | to have had a flirtation with death [idiom] [narrowly escaped with one's life] |  |
 | arriver à saturation [loc.] [public, personne] | to have had as much as one can take [idiom] |  |
 | cuis. être rassasié | to have had enough (to eat) |  |
 | en avoir plein basques de qn./qc. [loc.] | to have had it up to here with sb./sth. [coll.] [idiom] |  |
 | ignorer qc. [faim, pauvreté] | to have had no experience of sth. |  |
 | avoir bu un coup de trop [loc.] | to have had one over the eight [idiom] |  |
 | avoir bu un coup de trop [loc.] | to have had one too many [idiom] |  |
 | avoir un coup dans le nez [loc.] | to have had one too many [idiom] |  |
 | tenir une bonne cuite [fam.] [loc.] | to have had one too many [idiom] [to be drunk] |  |
 | tenir une sacrée cuite [fam.] [loc.] | to have had one too many [idiom] [to be drunk] |  |
 | avoir un coup dans l'aile [fam.] [loc.] | to have had one too many [idiom] [to be drunk] |  |
 | être pompette [fam.] | to have had one too many [to be drunk] |  |
 | avoir bien éclusé [fam.] [loc.] | to have had quite a few [idiom] [to be pretty drunk] |  |
 | tenir une bonne cuite [fam.] [loc.] | to have had quite a few [idiom] [to be pretty drunk] |  |
 | tenir une sacrée cuite [fam.] [loc.] | to have had quite a few [idiom] [to be pretty drunk] |  |
 | avoir un coup dans l'aile [fam.] [loc.] | to have had quite a few [idiom] [to be pretty drunk] |  |
Fiction (Literature and Film) |
 | film F La Fille qui avait tout | The Girl Who Had Everything [Richard Thorpe] |  |