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Dictionary French English: had

Translation 1 - 73 of 73

VERB1  - | had to | - ... 
VERB2  to have | had | had ... 
eu {past-p}
qn./qc. avait
sb./sth. had
2 Words: Others
agr. zool. qc. avait pusth. had grazed [cattle, sheep etc.]
2 Words: Verbs
se faire avoir [fam.] [loc.]to be had [coll.]
se faire niquer [fam.] [tromper]to be had [coll.] [tricked, deceived]
être fait marron [fam.] [loc.] [être eu ou escroqué]to be had [sl.] [idiom]
3 Words: Others
La barbe ! [fam.]I've had enough!
J'en ai marre ! [fam.] [loc.]I've had enough! [coll.] [idiom]
Les carottes sont cuites. [loc.]I've had it. [idiom] [All is lost.]
qn. ferait mieux de faire qc. [loc.]sb. had better do sth. [idiom]
qn. venait de faire qc.sb. had just done sth.
qn. dut faire qc. [littéraire]sb. had to do sth. [on a single occasion]
qn. devait faire qc.sb. had to do sth. [regularly, recurringly]
qn./qc. a / avait étésb./sth. has / had been
3 Words: Verbs
se faire posséder par qn. [loc.]to be had by sb. [idiom]
en avoir plein le dos [fam.]to have had enough [coll.]
3 Words: Nouns
audio occup. TechMéd. audioprothésiste {m}hearing aid dispenser <HAD> [Am.] [Can.]
audio occup. TechMéd. audioprothésiste {f}hearing aid dispenser <HAD> [Am.] [Can.] [female]
4 Words: Others
avant qu'ils fussent partisbefore they had left
Ça devait arriver.It had to happen.
Nul ne l'avait vu.Nobody had seen him.
qn. a faire qc.sb. (has) had to do sth. [on a single occasion]
qn. avait faire qc.sb. had had to do sth.
4 Words: Verbs
être pompette [fam.]to have had a skinful [Br.] [coll.] [idiom] [be drunk]
tenir une bonne cuite [fam.] [loc.]to have had a skinful [Br.] [coll.] [idiom] [be drunk]
tenir une sacrée cuite [fam.] [loc.]to have had a skinful [Br.] [coll.] [idiom] [be drunk]
avoir un coup dans l'aile [fam.] [loc.]to have had a skinful [Br.] [coll.] [idiom] [be drunk]
avoir vécu [objet, idée]to have had its day [idiom] [hum.]
5+ Words: Others
Après s'être baignée, elle est partie. [dans une baignoire]After having (had) a bath, she left. [Br.]
après qu'ils se furent éloignésafter they had moved away
A-t-elle eu une réponse ?Has she had a reply?
Il aurait avoir fait beaucoup de recherches.He would have had to have done a lot of research.
Je me suis battu(e) avec lui.I (have) had a fight with him.
J'avais beaucoup investi dans notre amitié.I had put a lot into our friendship.
Ça me gave ! [fam.]I've had enough (of it)!
Non merci, j'en ai eu assez.I've had enough, thank you.
Ça me sort par les yeux. [fam.] [loc.]I've had it up to here. [coll.] [idiom]
J'en ai jusque là. [loc.]I've had it up to here. [idiom]
Luc a un faible pour les blondes. [loc.]Luke had a soft spot for blonds. [idiom]
Personne ne savait ce qu'elle était devenue.Nobody knew what had become of her.
qn. a / avait pusb. has / had been able to
qn. aura faire qc.sb. will have had to do sth.
qn. aurait faire qc.sb. would have had to do sth. [regularly or on a single occasion]
Elle m'avait devancé de deux jours.She had arrived two days before me.
Cela ne le regardait pas. [loc.]That had nothing to do with him. [idiom]
Les problèmes qu'il a eus ont été vite oubliés.The problems that he had were quickly forgotten.
Les spectateurs avaient fait la queue pour avoir des billets.The spectators had queued for tickets.
Ils ont eu chaud. [loc.]They had a narrow escape. [idiom]
mil. Leurs victoires se comptent par douzaines.They have had dozens of victories.
Cette fois, la coupe est pleine ! [loc.]This time, I've had enough! [idiom]
en avoir assez de qc.to have had enough of sth.
éduc. Quelle est votre formation ?What education and training have you had?
Te voilà tondu ! [loc.]You've had a fourpenny all-off! [sl.] [idiom]
5+ Words: Verbs
se faire avoir jusqu'au trognon [loc.]to be well and truly had [idiom]
revenir de loin [loc.]to have had a close shave [idiom]
avoir un coup dans le nez [loc.]to have had a drop too much [idiom]
avoir frôlé la mort [loc.]to have had a flirtation with death [idiom] [narrowly escaped with one's life]
arriver à saturation [loc.] [public, personne]to have had as much as one can take [idiom]
cuis. être rassasiéto have had enough (to eat)
en avoir plein basques de qn./qc. [loc.]to have had it up to here with sb./sth. [coll.] [idiom]
ignorer qc. [faim, pauvreté]to have had no experience of sth.
avoir bu un coup de trop [loc.]to have had one over the eight [idiom]
avoir bu un coup de trop [loc.]to have had one too many [idiom]
avoir un coup dans le nez [loc.]to have had one too many [idiom]
tenir une bonne cuite [fam.] [loc.]to have had one too many [idiom] [to be drunk]
tenir une sacrée cuite [fam.] [loc.]to have had one too many [idiom] [to be drunk]
avoir un coup dans l'aile [fam.] [loc.]to have had one too many [idiom] [to be drunk]
être pompette [fam.]to have had one too many [to be drunk]
avoir bien éclusé [fam.] [loc.]to have had quite a few [idiom] [to be pretty drunk]
tenir une bonne cuite [fam.] [loc.]to have had quite a few [idiom] [to be pretty drunk]
tenir une sacrée cuite [fam.] [loc.]to have had quite a few [idiom] [to be pretty drunk]
avoir un coup dans l'aile [fam.] [loc.]to have had quite a few [idiom] [to be pretty drunk]
Fiction (Literature and Film)
film F La Fille qui avait toutThe Girl Who Had Everything [Richard Thorpe]
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