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Dictionary French English: has

Translation 1 - 50 of 100  >>

VERB  to have | had | had
having | has/hath [archaic]
agr. qc. a pusth. has grazed [cattle, sheep etc.]
2 Words: Nouns
ringard {m} [fam.] [individu démodé]has-been
ringarde {f} [fam.] [individu démodé]has-been [female]
3 Words: Others
Il est mort.He has died. [he is dead]
qn. a l'impression d'avoir la tête dans un bocal. [loc.]sb. has cabin fever. [idiom]
qn. vient de faire qc.sb. has just done sth.
qn./qc. a / avait étésb./sth. has / had been
Ça a fait tilt. [fam.]Something has clicked! [coll.]
3 Words: Verbs
qn./qc. a du plomb dans l'aile [loc.]sb./sth. has been struggling
3 Words: Nouns
pol. politicien {m} déchupolitical has-been [coll.]
4 Words: Others
N'habite plus à l'adresse indiquée. [poste]Addressee has moved away.
Comme le veut la tradition.As tradition has it.
Il ne dit pas un mot.He has clammed up. [coll.]
Il est capable.He has the ability.
Ce que Pierre a changé ! [fam.]How Peter has changed!
C'est bien équipé.It has proper facilities.
écon. L'argent n'a pas d'odeur. [loc.]Money has no smell. [idiom]
qn. a faire qc.sb. (has) had to do sth. [on a single occasion]
qn. a le nez qui coulesb. has a runny nose
méd. Le cancer s'est généralisé.The cancer has spread.
cuis. La pâte a levé.The dough has risen.
La chance a tourné. [loc.]The luck has turned. [idiom]
Le sort a tourné. [loc.]The luck has turned. [idiom]
Le vent a tourné. [loc.]The luck has turned. [idiom]
Les mouches ont changé d'âne. [loc.]The luck has turned. [idiom]
astron. La lune s'est levée.The moon has risen.
Ça a fait tilt. [fam.]The penny has dropped! [idiom]
La chance a tourné. [loc.]The tide has turned. [idiom]
Le sort a tourné. [loc.]The tide has turned. [idiom]
Le vent a tourné. [loc.]The tide has turned. [idiom]
Les mouches ont changé d'âne. [loc.]The tide has turned. [idiom]
Maintenant, on y est. [loc.]The time has come. [idiom]
La chance a tourné. [loc.]The worm has turned. [idiom]
Le sort a tourné. [loc.]The worm has turned. [idiom]
Le vent a tourné. [loc.]The worm has turned. [idiom]
Les mouches ont changé d'âne. [loc.]The worm has turned. [idiom]
Il est trop tard !This ship has sailed! [idiom]
Tradition veut que ...Tradition has it that ...
Qu'a-t-il fait ?What has he done?
4 Words: Verbs
dr. attester qc./que qn. a fait qc.to attest that sb./sth. has done sth.
attester qc./que qn. a fait qc.to certify that sb./sth. has done sth.
attester qc./que qn. a fait qc.to prove that sb./sth. has done sth.
4 Words: Nouns
occup. pol. démissionnaire {f}person [female] who has resigned
occup. pol. démissionnaire {m}person who has resigned
5+ Words: Others
On a beaucoup épilogué sur ...A lot has been said about ...
À quelque chose malheur est bon. [loc.]Every cloud has a silver lining. [idiom]
Après la pluie le beau temps. [loc.]Every cloud has a silver lining. [idiom]
Tout lecteur lui saura gré d'avoir dit ...Every reader will be grateful that he has said ...
A-t-elle eu une réponse ?Has she had a reply?
ling. Il a quelques notions d'anglais.He has a smattering of English.
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