| French | English | |
– | |
| se déchirer [papier, tissu, vêtement] | to tear | |
| textile craquer qc. [couture] | to tear sth. | |
| faire un accroc à qc. | to tear sth. | |
| déchirer qc. | to tear sth. [rip] | |
Nouns |
| larme {f} | 8 tear [from crying] | |
| pleur {m} [littéraire] [larme] | tear [from the eye] | |
| accroc {m} [déchirure] | tear [rip] | |
| déchirure {f} | tear [rip] | |
2 Words: Others |
| à détacher {adj} [fiche, recette] | tear-off | |
| barbouillé de larmes {adj} {past-p} [visage] | tear-stained | |
| baigné de larmes {adj} {past-p} | tear-streaked | |
| inondé de larmes {adj} | tear-streaked | |
| trempé de larmes {adj} {past-p} | tear-streaked | |
2 Words: Verbs |
| foncer [aller très vite] [fam.] | to tear along | |
| auto brûler le pavé [loc.] | to tear along [idiom] | |
| dévaler qc. [rue] | to tear down sth. [hurtle down] | |
| mettre qn. en pièces | to tear sb. apart [dismember] | |
| dépecer qc. [proie] | to tear sth. apart | |
| écarteler qc. | to tear sth. apart | |
| constr. abattre qc. [mur, bâtiment, etc.] | to tear sth. down | |
| arracher qc. [affiche] | to tear sth. down | |
| constr. démolir qc. | to tear sth. down [demolish] | |
| arracher qc. [bandeau, masque] | to tear sth. off | |
| détacher qc. [coupon, chèque] | to tear sth. off | |
| déchirer qc. | to tear sth. up | |
2 Words: Nouns |
| méd. déchirure {f} rénale | kidney tear | |
| anat. canal {m} lacrymal [Ductus lacrimalis] | tear duct | |
| armes gaz {m} lacrymogène | tear gas | |
| anat. glande {f} lacrymale [Glandula lacrimalis] | tear gland | |
| larmichette {f} [petite larme] [fam.] [spéc. mérid.] | tiny tear | |
3 Words: Verbs |
| anat. méd. se déchirer un muscle | to tear a muscle | |
| anat. méd. se froisser un muscle | to tear a muscle | |
| dévaler de qc. | to tear out of sth. [exit rapidly] | |
| décoller qn. de qc. [fam.] [faire partir] | to tear sb. away from sth. [coll.] [e.g. from watching TV] | |
| littérat. sabrer qn. [auteur] | to tear sb. to pieces | |
| étriller qn. [fam.] [critiquer fortement] | to tear sb. to pieces [coll.] [fig.] | |
| fendre le cœur de qn. | to tear sb.'s heart out [idiom] [make very sad] | |
| descendre qn./qc. [fam.] | to tear sb./sth. to pieces | |
| écharper qn./qc. [aussi fig.] | to tear sb./sth. to pieces [also fig.] | |
| mettre qn./qc. en pièces [fig.] [critiquer] | to tear sb./sth. to pieces [fig.] | |
| démolir qn./qc. [fam.] [critiquer] | to tear sb./sth. to shreds [fig.] [idiom] | |
| textile mettre qc. en morceaux [drap] | to tear sth. into pieces | |
| déchiqueter qc. [étoffe, papier] | to tear sth. to pieces | |
| mettre qc. en lambeaux | to tear sth. to ribbons | |
| déchiqueter qc. [étoffe, papier] | to tear sth. to shreds | |
| mettre qc. en charpie [fig.] | to tear sth. to shreds [fig.] | |
| réduire qc. en charpie [loc.] | to tear sth. to shreds [idiom] | |
3 Words: Nouns |
| anat. méd. déchirure {f} du tendon d'Achille | Achilles' tendon tear | |
| anat. méd. déchirure {f} médiale du ménisque | medial meniscus tear | |
| armes grenade {f} lacrymogène | tear gas grenade | |
| yeux {m.pl} mouillés de larmes | tear-filled eyes | |
| pointillés {m.pl} de séparation | tear-off perforations | |
| tech. fatigue {f} [mécanique] | wear and tear | |
| usure {f} [détérioration] | wear and tear | |
4 Words: Verbs |
| avoir un accroc à qc. | to have a tear in sth. | |
| garder l'œil sec | to not shed a tear | |
| souffler dans les bronches de qn. [loc.] | to tear a strip off sb. [Br.] [idiom] | |
| s'entre-déchirer [fig.] [aussi : s'entredéchirer] | to tear each other apart | |
| s'entre-dévorer | to tear each other apart | |
| s'arracher les cheveux [fig.] | to tear one's hair (out) [fig.] | |
| s'arracher à qc. [travail, occupation] | to tear oneself away from sth. | |
| mettre qn. en pièces | to tear sb. limb from limb | |
| chapitrer qn. | to tear sb. off a strip [Br.] [idiom] | |
| écraser une larme | to wipe away a tear | |
4 Words: Nouns |
| vêt. déchirure d'une robe {noun} | tear in a dress | |
| tech. pièce {f} sujette à usure | wear and tear part | |
5+ Words: Others |
| auto fatigué {adj} [moteur, voiture] | suffering from wear and tear | |
5+ Words: Verbs |
| film théâtre éreinter une interprétation | to tear a performance to shreds [of critics] [idiom] | |
| film théâtre éreinter une représentation | to tear a performance to shreds [of critics] [idiom] | |
| cuis. détacher une recette d'un magazine | to tear a recipe out of a magazine | |
| s'agresser | to tear at at each other's throats [idiom] | |
| s'entrégorger [aussi : entrégorger] | to tear at each other's throats | |
| s'entre-déchirer [aussi : s'entredéchirer] | to tear each other to pieces | |
| s'écharper [l'un l'autre] [aussi fig.] | to tear each other to pieces [aussi fig.] | |
5+ Words: Nouns |
| anat. méd. déchirure {f} à la cuisse | muscle tear in the thigh | |